Lavender Hill Farm Honey


Experience the pure essence of natural sweetness with Lavender Hill Farm Honey! This unique raw honey is produced by our resident honey bees, who flourish on a diet consisting primarily of lavender. The result is a one-of-a-kind honey that’s as distinctive as it is delectable.

Straight from our farm to your table, Lavender Hill Farm Honey is a testament to our commitment to quality and purity. Stir it into your favorite tea, drizzle it over warm, freshly baked biscuits, or use it as a wholesome alternative to traditional sweeteners. Delight your taste buds and experience a touch of nature’s goodness in every jar!

Lavender Hill Farm Honey may crystallize. Pure, raw honey has a natural tendency to crystallize over time with no effect on the honey, other than color and texture. In fact, it actually helps to preserve the honey’s flavor and quality!

Items included: One jar of Lavender Hill Farm Honey

Available in two different sizes: 1.5 oz or 6 oz